Créatrice Artistique en Arts Plastiques – Professionnelle
Born in the Alps, December 11th 1962,
Just as remarkable and noble words emerge from the mouths of men, painting bursts out from under the tongue giving a taste for colours, language and transcendence.
As a self-taught painter and sculptor, I have never, from my earliest years, ceased interpreting and creating a language through painting, sculpture and writing, these crossroads of meetings, of common prayers. The dialogue between shapes, lines and volumes expresses a never ending desire to apprehend the world moving and attain and embellish the truths living in the space.
Transforming, deforming, give a sense to creation, avoiding blandness, glorifying nature and developing a thirst for discovery, for intellectual and human adventure, the source of divine discipline.
Living in a time of wars, massacres, globalisation and the Internet, which divest me of who I am, my eyes see and restore the close exoticism surrounding me, heavy with history, with dreams, with myths that surround me.
My characters travel through history, through fiction, far away from the immediate, distancing themselves from the present. They navigate through private lives without appearing where modesty and naked beauty mist over, instil optimism and push towards the joy of living, of being.
The temporal joins the spiritual when the bride, or the prayer, speaks to God transformed into a moon ; when the harlequin, or the rainbow, are the colors through which God sees the world ; when music, song and dance celebrate the body, the love and the scents of the loved one.
Today, my work as an artist has been highlighted by awards both in France and internationally : Medal ASL, Prizes, Honorary degrees, Art collectors, Museum Order, Articles in art journals, Television coverage – all of which serve to stimulate my creative optimism.
2022 – Exposition en Exclusivité et en Permanence à la galerie d’art Carré d’artistes*3 /5 rue des Louviers – 78100 Saint germain-En-Laye –
A partir Octobre 2020 Exposition Permanente au Château de Monte-Cristo à Port-Marly de : 1 – “Alexandre Dumas” Sculpture buste et 2- “Danseuse bleue” Sculpture (fil de fer tressé-peinture) / 3- “Cher Alexandre Dumas”Portrait Peinture à l’huile sur toile de lin.
2020 Le 14 Juillet 2020, remise d’un “Cheval d’Excellence” de la ville de Marly-Le-Roi, en hommage à ma contribution au rayonnement artistique et touristique de la Ville à travers mes sculptures, en particulier celle du roi Louis XIVème acquisition du musée du domaine Royal de Marly.
2020 january Acqueriment by the “Musée du domaine Royal de Marly / Louveciennes Marly-Le-Roi, of my Sculpture “Louis XIVème”, exhibed in the reception hall of the Museum.
2019 “Prix de la Galerie” au Salon d’Hiver de “Arts Sciences Lettres” à la Galerie Thuillier, 13 rue de Thorigny, Paris 3ème.
2015 Diplôme d’honneur au Festival Franco Coréen des Arts Plastics de Séoul, Galerie Iang, Namseoul University Art Center, Corée du Sud.
2015 Diplôme coréen de travail apprécié au Salon KOMAS (Korea Mokpo Artfair Special Exhibition).
2016 Portrait de Corinne Halimi Di Domessini, au Journal Télévisé Grand Angle de la chaîne Yvelines Première, le mercredi 29 juin 2016 – www.yvelines 1.com –http://www.yvelines1.com/grand-angle/grand-angle-mercredi-29-juin-2016/
2017 Prix des écoles des villes de Morainvilliers et de Bures en Yvelines
2019 Médaille d’Argent “Arts Sciences Lettres”
CORINNE HALIMI, 15 Hameau des Ruettes, 78580 Les Alluets Le Roi
tel. : 0617712824 – Email : corinne-halimi@orange.fr
Les récompenses :
“Cheval d’Excellence” 2020 de la ville de Marly-Le-Roi :
Médaille d’Argent 2019 de l’Académie “Arts Sciences Lettres” :

Diplôme Médaille d’Argent A.S.L. 2019
Prix de la Galerie Thuillier – Paris 3 – Déc.2019
Prix des Ecoles Morainvilliers Bures en Yvelines 2017 :
Diplôme d’Honneur Sud-Coréen à Séoul 2015 :
Diplôme Sud-Coréen à Mokpo 2015 :